Still here
Still here everyone. As you can tell from Zelda's entries, we're going through MAJOR life changes right now. Things are moving very quickly. That includes the setbacks too.
I just got back from taking my buddy who just got back from Afghanistan to the Houston Gun Show. I just spent hours listenining to stories of what is actually is going on over there. I find it amazing that the fact he is DIRECTLY responsible for the capture of a MAJOR mullah have gone unreported in the United States "news papers".
I don't want to specify any details because he's headed to Iraq in a few months and I don't want to identify who he is.
I took him to the gun show in Houston today and I found my dream rifle. The M14. Just a few years of raising funds and it's mine.
Alright, rumor has it that we've got some planning to do in order to take a short trip next weekened. Zelda and I are going to attempt to make it possible. I don't know if it's really possible, but we'll definitely make one hell of an effort. Ciao for now.
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