
Tuesday, July 26, 2005

The Motherload

My buddy Corin is 1/4 Japanese. He learned to speak Japanese from watching hours and hours and HOURS of Japanese anime.

The funny thing is that he didn't really watch any of that stuff until I introduced it to him. He, in turn introduced me to sushi, sake, and Japanese beer. Our favorite sushi restaurant, Nippon, was just a couple blocks from the dorms. We would order several pieces of sushi and either sake or the 16oz. Kirin Ichiban beer for 5 bucks a piece. We tried other beers there, but Kirin Ichiban was our favorite of all the Japanese beers.

We had just finished midterms when Corin decided to make a trip out for some celebration beverages. He drove out in the middle of "Redneck-ville", Texas and found a Specs liquor warehouse. He walked around for awhile and saw cases of Kirin Ichiban beer. He looked to see how much the beer was selling for but couldn't find a price. A manager walked by and Corin asked him how much the Kirin Ichiban was selling for.

"How much is that beer?"

"Tell ya what. Mah customers don't drink this beer here so I'll make you an offer if you'll just take this off mah hands."


"6 cases for $25."

Corin had to resist the urge to fall to the ground on his hands and knees and kiss the manager's foot while praising to Almighty God, Buddha, and all the heavens.

"How much for all of it?"

"All 12 cases?"




There were 24 cans of beer for each case. We now had 12 cases. That's 288 cans of beer for $40. We normally paid $5 for one 16 oz. bottle. We had struck gold. Corin drove back to the dorms like he was bringing home a brand new baby. He pulled to the front of the dorms and called me for help saying that he had a surprise. Then, he ran back to his car and stood guard.

I walked out and he popped open his trunk. My eyes lit up like the Griswald's house on Christmas eve. We took turns running upstairs to my dorm room while the other one stood guard at the car. When we finally finished unloading his car, we ran back up to my dorm room and just looked at our prize. I'm telling you, we both looked like Gollum from Lord of the Rings, "My precioussssssss." Needless to say, we held a huge party that weekend. Ahhhhh, Good times...good times.