Let me just first thank everyone for all of your well wishes and good luck. Now, on to how I performed. I'm almost too afraid to say anything because I don't want to jinx this good feeling that I have after completing those tests. I've never studied like that before. I hope it paid off. I'll find out the results of the test December 27, 2005. I'll let y'all know what happened.
Let's start with the beginning. One of my classmates, Jake, said that he'd pick out a hotel room for four of us to share. He picked a hotel with no wireless internet located in another city. Sure, it was only 15 miles away from the campus, but there were several other hotels much closer. Some of those should've had wireless internet. But, that's okay. We saved a few bucks. I think it was about $4 that we saved.
I actually drove up myself Sunday evening and stayed with my buddy Carlos. The next day, I was in the motel with 3 of my other classmates. This was our study group. We hit everything over and over and over. Let's just say, by the time the test came around, I knew my stuff.
When I woke up the next morning at Carlos's place, I felt a little bit of a sore throat. Not a bad one though. It stayed that way until Thursday. When I woke up that day, OH MY GOD. My throat was on fire, I was shivering cold, and my head was pounding. Yeah, the stress did it to me again. The day before the biggest test of my life. I was running a high fever. I got some Tylenol to bring down the fever and headache while I was taking the exam. That way, I could somewhat focus. I should've brought a towel. I was sweating so badly while taking the exams, I'm sure the proctors were laughing at me thinking that I was a nervous wreck. So, I couldn't party as hard as I wanted to. Speaking of partying, we met with
Big Dick and
tCj Saturday after everything was done. They kept me laughing the whole night long. Big Dick is just as raw in person as he is on his site. He's definitely got some fun stories to tell and you'll laugh your ass off. tCj is a young cutie. Her pictures do not do her justice. She'll be leading men around on collar chains soon enough.
I was so out of it, but I was determined to have a few drinks in celebration. I had been awake since 5:00 that morning. We partied until 2:00 in the morning. I was popping Tylenol every 4 hours. I know my liver wasn't too happy with me.
Afterwards, Zelda and I went back and got a hotel room at a different place. A much nicer place. Sorry folks, with my beautiful wife there, there was no time for wireless internet. Just me and her time (porn music playing).
When we woke up the next morning there was even more porn music playing. Afterwards, when Zelda was in the shower, I heard a loud buzzing sound. Then, a voice came over a speaker in our room that said, "This is a fire alarm. Please leave the building and do not use the elevators. Keep in mind that Zelda was still in the shower. She came down with a skirt on and a towel dripping wet. I started to hear more porn music but then realized that we couldn't just go back to our room. Anyways, it was a false alarm. Someone decided to pull the fire alarm as a joke.
Here's a radiology quote from my week in hell. It helped lighten the tension.
student (while reading an x-ray): "What's that radiopacity right over the symphysis pubis?"
Dr D: "That's the shadow of the penis."
student: "Why is it shaped like that?"
Dr D: "How do I say this? It's looking at you."
student: "Oh, scared turtle sign?"
Again, thanks everyone for sending me all of your good vibes. Pop the champagne, light some cigars, uncork some wine, or do whatever you do to celebrate. I'm done!